-- card: 6160 from stack: in.8 -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3340 -- name: -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- About Almanac -- 2 -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- Contact me for further information on this astronomy stack and stay tuned for further developments (Hypercard and otherwise). Mike Kazmierczak X Systems 1789 Brandy Drive Conyers, GA 30208-3032 GEnie: M.KAZMIERCZ1 USENET: gatech!nanovx!kaz BITNET: tegammk@gitnve2 INTERNET: kaz%nanovx.UUCP@gatech.edu Version 1.8 Enhancements: Some scripts cleaned up (user-transparent). 1990 Polynomials (finally!) 1990 Jupiter Galilean satellite predictions included. Jupiter Central Meridian Longitude and Red Spot Transit calculations added. Moon R.A. and Declination and approximate rise/set calculations added. Position Conversion card. Longitudes now follow astronomical conventions! (East longitude is positive.) Intl resource compatibility improved (as bug reports come in). Rise/set calculations now work for Southern hempisphere (thanx to an Australian user). Path/File selection for Jupiter Galilean satellite predictions now automated (thanx to an Austrian user). Jupiter Galilean Satellite script bug fixed. (for the @#^%$@# last time (again!)) Version 1.7 Enhancements: Lunar occultation card added for the few, the proud, the lucky. Maximum ZHR of selected meteor showers. Jupiter Galilean Satellite script bug fixed. (for the @#^%$@# last time) Version 1.61 Enhancements: hm script changed, meteor script fixed for EST/EDT Version 1.6 Enhancements: 1.53 bugs fixed Partial intl resource capability Planetary conjunction card added. One may find the next visible Jupiter Galilean satellite event with the Next Event button. Dates of selected meteor shower maxima are calculated yearly. Version 1.53 Enhancements: Internationally modified for use in some European countries. Version 1.52 Enhancements: Bug in elongations calculations corrected. Bug in Jupiter Galilean satellite visibility calculations corrected. Version 1.51 Enhancements: Yet another sunrise/set twilight bug found and hopefully squashed deader than a doornail. Version 1.5 Enhancements: Jupiter Satellite events now provided for one year in separate file. Planetary elongation calculation bug corrected. 1989 Chebyshev polynomials included. Function dayOfYear corrected. Rising/Setting calculations corrected.